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\version "2.14.2"
\header {
tagline = ##f
\paper {
raggedright = ##t
raggedbottom = ##t
indent = 10\mm
predefinito = { \key f \major \time 4/4 \partial 4 }
music = {
  \new PianoStaff 
  \language "italian"
    \new Staff = superiore { 
   \override Staff.BarLine#'allow-span-bar = ##f
	<< \new Voice = "primo" {\voiceOne << \predefinito \relative c'' { \repeat volta 2 { c4 | d c bes a | a2 g4 a | bes2 c | a bes4\rest \break} 
															a | g c b d | c4.( d8)  e4 f4 | e2 d2 | c2 bes4 \rest c4 \break
															f4 e8 d8 c4 c4 | d2 c4 bes4 | a4( bes2) g4 | f2 bes4 \rest s4|}>>}
	   \new Voice = "secondo" {\voiceTwo <<\predefinito \relative c' { \repeat volta 2 {f4 | f f g f | f2 e4 f | g2 g | f s4 } 
															f4 | g g g g | g2 g4 a | g2 f2 |e2 s4 e4 | f4 f f f | f2 f4 g4 | f4( g2) e4 | f2 s4 s8}>>}
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "primo" \sequential { Mi pren -- di per la ma -- no  o mio Ge -- sù, Di -- ri -- gi_i pas -- si mie -- i nel tuo sen -- tier, la lu -- ce _ mia tu se -- i, l'e -- ter -- no ver! }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "primo" \sequential { col tuo po -- ter so -- vra -- no mi -- gui -- da Tu! }
    \new Staff = inferiore { \clef bass 
	<< \new Voice = "terzo" { \voiceOne << \predefinito \relative c' { \repeat volta 2 {a4 | bes c c c | c2 c4 c | d2 c | c c,4\rest} 
														c'4 | c e d b | c4.( b8) c4 c | c2. b4 | c2 d,4\rest c'4 c4 bes a c |bes2 a4 d4|c2( g4) bes4 | a2 d,4\rest s4 |}>> }
	   \new Voice = "quarto"{ \voiceTwo << \predefinito  \relative c' { \repeat volta 2 {f,4 | bes a e f| c2 c4 a'| g2 e | f s4} 
														   f4 | e c g' f | e4.( d8) c4 f | g2 g2 | c,2 s4 bes'4 | a4 bes4 f a | bes2 f4 bes,4 | c2 c2 | f2 s4 s 4}>>}
\score {
 \layout {}
\score {
  \tempo 4 = 100
 \midi { }

en:Page:Childs own music book.djvu/84

\new PianoStaff << 
\relative c''
\new Staff << { \key g \major \tempo "Moderato" \dynamicUp
<<{(g8\mf a b a) g (a b a)}>> | g4 e e4. d8 | g (a b a) g (a b a) | c4 a a4. g8 | g (a b a) g (a b a) | g4 e <c' g e>4. e,8 | e4 d8 c e4 g8 a | b4 g g2 
  \new Lyrics \lyricmode {
    Tom4 he4 was4 a4 pi -- per's son,4. He8 learnt4 to_ play_ when_ he was young,4. But8 all4 the_ tunes_ that_ he could play was “O -- ver8 the hills4 and far a -- way.”
} >>
\new Staff { \clef bass \key g \major
g,4 <b g d> b, <g d> | c <c' g> <c' g> <c' fis d> | g,4 <b g d> b, <g d> | a,4 <c' a e> d <c' fis> | g,4 <b g d> b, <g d> | c <c' g> c4. r8 | c'4 b8 a b4 <c' fis d>  | g,4 <d
 g> <d g>2 |