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Forse cercavi: i am berni henry to help you
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- fourth day being come. (i) XXXIII, vv. 37-78 [Ed.] [p. 104 modifica] Gaddo falling extended at my feet cried: — My father, why do not you help me? — and...1 KB (9 621 parole) - 12:06, 26 lug 2021
- I am sorry. I know I hurt my probation officer, who was really trying to help me. I am so sorry for that and sorry for everyone else I have hurt. I have
- "Pray, when you are returned to the world, and rested from the long journey," followed the third spirit on the second, "remember me, who am Pia. Siena
- Radiohead (reindirizzamento da Hail To The Thief)fuckin' special. | I wish I was special. | But I'm a creep. | I'm a weirdo. | What the hell am I doing here? | I don't belong here. (da Creep, n. 2) Lui
- Interview with Umberto Eco (reindirizzamento da Interview to Umberto Eco)it. You wrote several articles about it, the latest in 2009 if I recall correctly. Could you try to re-explain your views about Wikipedia? Eco: I am a compulsive