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Template sperimentale, interfaccia semplificata per {{FreedImg}}


  1. nome dell'immagine(senza namespace)
  2. larghezza percentuale (numero senza %; default 100)
  3. posizione: left, right, center
  4. testo alternativo


Ricopiare il testo sottostante e modificare le parole in blu in base alle esigenze.
{{File|nome file|larghezza in %|posizione|testo alternativo}}



A sort of contest—though, of course, a friendly and philosophic contest—had been waged over the sun's corona, the halo or glory which is seen around the black disk of the moon when the sun is totally concealed; and, though, in the opinion of most astronomers, the contest had really been decided by the observations made during the total eclipse of December, 1870, some slight doubts still existed test centrato 50%test centrato 50% in the minds of a few. It was hoped and the hope would appear to have been justified that during the late eclipse these doubts would be finally removed.
A sort of contest—though, of course, a friendly and philosophic contest—had been waged over the sun's corona, the halo or glory which is seen around the black disk of the moon when the sun is totally concealed; and, though, in the opinion of most astronomers, the contest had really been decided by the observations made during the total eclipse of December, 1870, some slight doubts still existed test left 50%test left 50% in the minds of a few. It was hoped and the hope would appear to have been justified that during the late eclipse these doubts would be finally removed.
A sort of contest—though, of course, a friendly and philosophic contest—had been waged over the sun's corona, the halo or glory which is seen around the black disk of the moon when the sun is totally concealed; and, though, in the opinion of most astronomers, the contest had really been decided by the observations made during the total eclipse of December, 1870, some slight doubts still existed test right 50%test right 50% in the minds of a few. It was hoped and the hope would appear to have been justified that during the late eclipse these doubts would be finally removed.