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Utente:Alex brollo/GetPageNew.js

Da Wikisource.

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// Initializes a div.ourDiv in it doesn't exist to save data; gets wikitext of a page from site, titled title; parses the template template, and save result into div.ourDiv; optionally runs callback().

function getPageNew(title, site, template, callback) {
	if ($(".ourDiv").length == 0) $(body).append($('<div style="display:none"></div>'));
		url: 'https://' + site + '/w/api.php',
		async: false,
		data: {
			format: 'json',
			action: 'query',
			titles: title,
			prop: 'revisions',
			rvlimit: '1',
			rvprop: 'content'
		dataType: 'jsonp' // this is the important one!
	}).done(function (data) {
		var testo = getText(data);
		if (testo == "-1") {
			$(".ourDiv").data(site + "." + template.toLocaleLowerCase(), "-1");
		} else {
			var templateData = parseTemplate(template, testo).concat(data);
			$(".ourDiv").data(site + "." + template.toLocaleLowerCase(), templateData);


// Gets text content from API objects stored into div.ourDiv
function getText(dato) {
	var l = "";
	for (i in dato.query.pages) {
		l = i;
	if (l == "-1") return testo;
	var testo = dato.query.pages[l].revisions[0]["*"];
	return testo;