Pagina:Da Ponte, Lorenzo – Memorie, Vol. II, 1918 – BEIC 1797684.djvu/156

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iooo dollars, which Mr. Da Ponte wisely appropriateci io his ozvn use, pretendine tkere was noi sufficient to pay his nurse’s and physician’s bills. II. Di bando da Venezia in prima gioventú. He was obliged in his early life to quit Venice for his misbehaviour. III. Di viltá, impostura e falsitá. He wandercd through thè greatest part of Italy under a variety of different characters : composed plays, zuorthy of thè actors who performed them, at thè rate of two shillings a day. And his impudent assertion of having been appointed, by Joseph thè second, poet of thè Italian theatre at Vienna, is a ridiculous falsehood.

IV. Di intrigo e di cabala. By his intriguing talent he obtained thè place of poet to thè opera house ; and Baini, a zuorthy and learned Italian, zoas dismissed.

V. Di trufferia. He succeededin cheating Mr.... of 1000pounds sterling. [Non profanerò questo venerabile nome, proferendolo in questa accusa, d’orrore piena e di vitupero. Mi perdonino i miei lettori se differisco loro per pochi istanti la dichiarazione di questo fatto]. VI. Di fuga da Londra per ingannare, di concerto colla moglie. He took thè opportunity of decampingfor America, having previously sent his zuife over before him, zvith all thè property he could collect. He made his first appearance in Nczu-York as a grocer and vender of toys in a snialt hall, ecc. VII. Di imbrogli frodolenti. He had recourse to his old tricks and negociated some notes upon IV*** F*** for which he received a considerable suzzi from Mr. Rinaldi and from Mr. Bradhurst; but they returzied protest ed’, as Mr. Taylor ozved him nothizig. He succeeded also in borrowing 600 dol/az-s from Mrs. Knight, giving her in security an estate in Elizabethtown: bui upon inquiry thè lady found he had no property there, and that she had been cozupletely duped. Unwilling to prosecute an old man for swíndling, she put up with her loss.

Vili. D’omicidio. A young Miss Williams zvas sent to his house to finish her education. She soon becarne corrupted, and one day... (horresco referens!)... thezi in his rage so ili treated this unfortuziate girl, that she soon look to her bed, f rozzi zuhich she ziever more arose. Dr. Pascalis pronounced her illness occasioned by ili treatment and zuant of food.

IX. Di cattiva educazione di figli. His sons also are