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Pagina:Corrado Ricci, L'arte dei bambini.djvu/93

Da Wikisource.

(1) «Information respecting the history, condition and prospects of the indian tribes of the United States... by Henry R. SchoolcraftPhiladelphia Lippincott Grambo & C. 1854» Vedi le tav. 31, 32 33, 34 e 35.

(2) «Prehistoric Europe a Geological Sketch by Iames Geikie — London, Stanford, 1881.»

(3) «Pre-Historic Times as illustrated by Ancient Remains and the manners and customs of Modern Savages, by sir Iohn LubbockVilliams and Norgate 1869.»

(4) «International Congress of Prehistoric Archaeology: Transactions of the third Session (1868) — London; Longmans, Green and Co. 1869 — V. a p. 206 e 256.

(5) «Hommes fossiles et hommes sauvages. Études d'anthropologie par A. de Quatrefages — Paris Baillière 1884 — pag. 342, 454.

(6) «La Vega, Viaggio di scoperta del passaggio Nord-Est tra l'Asia e l'Europa narrato dal