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Pagina:Garibaldi - Memorie autobiografiche.djvu/8

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The Deutsche La Plata-Zeitung speaks lows of the recently deceased Domingo ino Sarmiento, President of the Argentine bUc f rom 1868 to 1874; " Sarmiento ranks the principal Argentine statesmen of this -ciiry. During the reign of terror under

  • osas he lived in esile in Chili, and became

a most zealous contributor to the press in every field of knowledge. Incessant study developed bis unusiially keen intellect, and constantly enlarged the range of his sympathies. He was partlcularly interested in questions affecting education. Having returned to his native country, he played a pròminent part in ali politicai, parliamentary, economie, and social questions. His journalistic pen was f eared as well as respected. It drew blood when directed against anything that excited his opposition. He attained to the highest positions in his country; he was Govemor of the province of Buenos Ayres and of his native province of San Juan, Ambassador to the United States, repeatedly a member of the Cabinet, member of Congress, President and General of the Republic. His numerous works and miscellaneous writings, foremost among which is his remarkable work,

  • Civilization and Barbarism,’ bave been ordered

by act of Congress to be collected and published at the expense of the nation."