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Kamel Ghribi Chairman


Early Days My story begins in 1973 with a simple boyhood promise to myself to do my utmost to help those around me. As a child growing up in the bustling environment of a Tunisian port town, this promise was not about any particular desire to break into the financial world, yet I quickly realised that economic prosperity provided me with the best opportunity to alleviate some of the material difficulties those closest to me were encountering on their trip through this life. When I realised how happy I could make people by simply sharing the benefits of my boyhood entrepreneurism, the feeling of euphoria was so strong that it drove me to concoct new ways to take advantage of the opportunities life was granting me every day. Indeed, to this day nothing gives me more pleasure than helping people in need.

Although I was not given any more chances than the average person, I instinctively knew how to make the most of an opportunity. I believe that gifts are bestowed on us to help others and we should never forget this – a gift by definition is something bequeathed upon us and it is our duty to nurture it – a gift is only enhanced through hard work and a determined spirit before its true worth is ever be manifested.

The Road To Success This brings us to the second part of my story – the sheer hard graft and refusal to allow setbacks defeat me. I truly believe that in order to get what you want you must never lose sight of your goals. To paraphrase Rudyard Kipling: Dream but do not make dreams your master – in other words stay ambitious and grounded but do not allow the reality of your circumstances limit you.

The Desire to Make a Difference The final part of my story regards my desire to make a real difference. As I became more and more successful in the world of business and commerce, I soon found that this alone was no longer enough for me. I was acutely aware that as a highly successful international entrepreneur, I was able to build close relationships with many world leaders in the political, industrial and literary arenas. The course of events in the Middle East and Africa deeply troubled me, so I decided to do everything in my power to help. During the Clinton administration, my contacts and experience combined with my neutrality, resulted on me being called upon as a behind the scenes negotiator and arbitrator; this role allowed me to promote my lifelong belief that dialogue and compromise provide the only possibility to pave the way for peace and stability.

So trust your instincts throughout and never waver, follow both head and heart in equal measure but most of all when "two roads diverge in a wood"* take the one less travelled, as this will make all the difference.

  • From Robert Frost’s ‘The Road not Taken’

Chairman Statement

As long as we are tenacious in the pursuit of our destiny, we will continue to advance

I am of the firm opinion that the business world has a duty to offer strength and solidarity alongside institutions, be they economic or political, and offer support to the nations and governments within which they operate.

A global entrepreneur’s worldview can often provide a different perspective, which can in turn permit a point of comparison, a paradigm, if you prefer, against which to measure progress. I am of the firm belief that this allows nations to recognise both the strengths and the flaws in their society, from the grass roots right up to the state machine.

We in the business world work tirelessly for the benefit of the nations in which they have a presence, often behind the scenes, whether it be it in the form of diplomacy, education, the promotion of business interests, or sustainable development. We even find ourselves involved in promoting other fundamental ballasts, such as human rights, the promotion of diversity, peace and dialogue, as ‘global’ compatriots working relentlessly and out of a genuine will to make these nations a better place for future generations.

On a personal level I look to my own field of proficiency – entrepreneurship for guidance on how best to perform over a range of sectors. In order to find success in business it is first necessary to understand the importance of compromise and negotiation.