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E-participation e comunità locali/Sitografia

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../Bibliografia IncludiIntestazione 26 luglio 2022 75% Da definire

Alcuni riferimenti alla teoria RSC (Reduced Social Cues)
  • Kiesler S., McGuire T.W, e Siegel J. (1984) Social Psychological Aspects of Computer-Mediated Communication, in «American Psychologist», 39, 10, pp. 1123-34.
  • Dubrovsky, V., Kiesler, S. e Sethna, B. (1991) The Equalization Phenomenon: Status Effects in Computer-Mediated and Face-to-Face Decision-Making Groups, in «Human-Computer Interaction», 6, pp. 119-146.
  • Siegel, J., Dubrovsky, V., Kiesler, S. e McGuire, T. (1986) Group processes in computer-mediated communication, in«Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes», 37, pp. 157-187.
  • Sproull, L. e Kiesler, S. (1986) Reducing social context cues: Electronic mail in organizational communication, in «Management Science», 31,11, pp.1492-1512.1991 Connections: new ways of working in the networked organization,Cambridge, MIT Press.