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200 NOTES.

6. Ci vuole qualche altra cosa, sometliing else is wanting.

7. dalla marna, in mauia’s rooin.

12. un mio compagno, one of my companions; cf. French un mien co x sin.

1 9. Vi occorre, do you need?

21. darò una scappata. Dare una scappata in un luogo = to go to a place with the iutentioii of coming right back. Translate, " ni run over to."

23, legna = firewood. The singular forin is masculine.

22.-5. finimenti, harness.

12. spinta delle braccia avanti, — one of the commands given in calisthenics, — " arins forward."

16. Che ci ho che fare, how can I help it?

23. — 7. omone, augmentative of uomo.

11. Questura, police station.

12. facce; note the dropijing of the i, which is foiind in the singular faccia.

13. senza farsi scorgere, without showing it. Farsi scorgere is used also familiarly for far trista comparsa, — make a show of one’s self.

23. facendo il maestro, while teaching.

24. prese la laurea, took liis doctor’s degree.

27. Garibaldi, (Huseppe, celebrated Italian patriot, born at Nice, 1807. His life was marked by hatred of tyranny and devotiou to the cause of freedoni. Ile was largely instrumentai in establishing Italian unity.

29. Milazzo. Strongly fortified seaport town ou the north coast of Sicily, eighteeu miles west of Messina.

2-4. — 11. a aspettare, waiting.

14. si caccino, run under; subjnnctive with vedere.

15. far querciola, stand on their heads.

18. piantando li, abandoning. Cf. Fr. j)lanter là.

19. biglie, niarbk’S.

24. se ne voleva andare, wished to resign.

30. Che peccato, wliat a pity. Cf. VroveiK^&l pecaìre. 2o. — 17. a volo, with great mindity..