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NOTES. 109

17. — ò. Carbonaio, coal-dealer. The suffix ato indicates trade or profession. Cf. portinaio, calzolaio, etc.

7. straccione, beggar, ragamuffin. 14. levava, was taking off.

27. più avanti in faccia, forward tovvards. 30. non gli badò, did uot iiotice him. 18. — 4. non gli die retta, paid no attention te him. 5. filo di voce, low voice.

11. gliela strinse, <jlie = etili cai dative; strinse ìs froux stringere. 18. sopra pensiero, thoughtful.

1 J>. — 1. corso, uame of some of the principal streets of Italian cities. corresponding to tbe French boulevard. 3. sento, historical present.

8. bracciata, armful. The tennination ala indicates a sort of measiirt’corresponding to the Euglish fui. Etymologically the French és (jourui’e, bouchée, etc.) has the same origin, ami is formed after the analogy of the femiuiue past participle of Latin verbs in are.

10. in fretta e in furia, as fast as he could.

16. accidenti, the chauges in the noun or verb according to declen.sion or conjugation.

25. garzone, hired man.

26. Tocca a me it fulls to me.

20 — 2. sgobbo, equivalent to the college slang "grind." Rigatini and Faiifani give the following definition of the word: Studio ìnateriale, in, cui non (jiuoca l’iiir/ef/no, mn sola la faticn. Sgolihoiie is a conteiii])tuou.s tcrm apjilied to a stiident wlio, con poro inger/iio, uni pure a forza di studio, impara una scienza.

3. a pezzi e a bocconi, 1)y lìls and starts.

y. Starei fresco, I shonld be in a nico fìx.

9. lavoro di disegno, cxercise in drawing.

10. ammattonato. l)ri<"k floor.

27. scartafaccio, hiank hook.

30. scappa via, is boiling over; litt-rally = is escai>ing. 121. — 3. Son sette giorni che è a letto, she has liceii iu bed seven duys. Cf. Fr. present with depuis for the i)erfect.