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198 NOTES.

21. qualche; this word altliough plural in meaniug is always eiuplijyfd in the singular.

1-4. — 1. di discorso in discorso, froni one thing to another.

4. presero a dir, l)egan; cf. Fr.» y ’prendre.

5. Lapponia, Lapland.

6. non... che; hoìì before and che after a verb liave the force of ordii, as in Fr. ne...que.

13. impiantito, tiled floor.

lt> — 1. mi parve di star tanto tempo senza rivedere Garrone, it seenied to me that I had not see;i Garrone for a long time.

4. prepotenti, buUies. — che con lui non se la dicono. Dirsela co il, (de II no is to be on friendly terms with auy one.

5. non lascia far prepotenze, does not allow any bullying. 8. macchinista, engineer.

14. in iscuola. The i is prefixed to the impure s to avoid the combination of too many consonants.

16. testone, augmentative of testa. The frequent use of such terminations is very characteristic of Itallan, 21. il capo rapato, bis hair cut short. 16. — 1. essere vicini di banco, sit beside him.

2. a castellina, used chieHy of a sniall pile of books placed one on top of another and strapped betweeu two boards.

3. cigna, strap.

4. piazza d’armi, parade-grounds; Ger. Exerzierplatz.

6. se n’avvide, noticed it; avvedersi, like the Fr. s" apercevoir is construed with the genitive. /■

8. non se n’ha per male. Aversi a male, or per male di una cosa = offendersene. Cf. non lo fare; me ne avrei per male, — do not do it; I should be offended at it.

11. da spaccare, enough to break.

IG. onomastico, day on which falls the celebration of the saint after whoni one is naiiicd. It corresponds to our birthday.

25. si vede così chiaro nei suoi occhi, you can see that clearly in his eyes. paia, subjuuctive oi parere, v/ìih. benché.

37. si sente, you can feel that.