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NOTES. 197

9. davan dello storpio, rulled hiin cripplo. 7)<Y;y with the prepositioii (/(■ followfd by a title mcans to cali aiiyoni; l>y tliat title.

l’^. stava a sentire, kept listeiiing.

22. fece civetta, duckecl bis head. Note the similarity of inetuphor betwt.’t’u the two expressioiis.

1 l. — 5. di scatto, with a jump.

11. perso, i) participle oi perdere; jìcrd ufo is aiiother form of the sanie.

12. S alzino; subjunctive for imperative; let those rise who, etc.

22. a Garrone, dative of possession.

23. fattogli alzare il viso, haviug made him lift his face. The absolute use of the jtast participle is very common in Italian.

25. colto il momento, clioosiii;,’- the proper moment, f W^tMS past participle of C"[/li< re. non so che, some; cf. Fr. je ne sais quelle» parole».

12. — 1. ci, ad veri) of place = Freuch y. Ilrre it is tautologica!, meaiiing the same as alla scuola. The ci in the line below is the indirect pronoun " to us."

7. piroscafo,.steamboat. Note the absence of capitals in francese and in padovano above; only proper names bave the capitals in Italian, and not the adjectives derived from them.

12. guardando tutti con l’occhio torvo, looking suUeuly at every


17. a furia di, by iiitaiis of; cf. Fr. à force de. 20. non sfamandolo mai. Sfamare = to stili one’s hunger; transhitr, m-vcr giving him enough to eat.

23. aguzzino, literally = slave-driver; used boro lìguratively for tyrannical niastiT.

25. Questore chief <>f jtolicc lin the principal city of a province) 13.— ;* odiasse, subjunctive wìth pareva. 7. veneto, Venetian dialect.

13. per farsi vedere, to show off. 1(). a mezza voce, in a loW voice.

17. fare burbero, surly nianner. The use of the infinitive as r noun is very fre(iueut in Italiim.