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196 NOTES.

8. — 3. bandiera tricolore. The Italian flag consists of three colors — green, wbite, and red.

5. stampa, picture.

6. francobollo, ]>ostage-stamp.

11. si vede quando sorride, you can see that wben he smiles. 13. ne, used pleouastically with dei mìei compagni.

15. maglia, knit jacket.

17. guerra del 66, the war between Prussia and Austria, in which Italy sided with the former. King Victor Emanuel engaged to attack Austria on land with eighty thousand men, and Prussia bound herself by treaty not to make peace with Austria until Yenetia should be ceded to Italy.

18. principe Umberto, eldest son of Victor Emanuel. On the death of his father, January 9, 1878, he ascended the throne as King Humbert I.

21. si leva sempre i peluzzi, is always brushing his clothes; literally sì leva = remove.s, and peluzzi = fine hairs or lint.

23. muratorino, little mason.

24. a pallottola, round as a ball.

26. fare il muso di lepre, literally ’ ’ to make a face like a rabbit’s "; translate " to make grimaces."

27. cappello a cencio, soft hat. 29. coso, gawky fellow.

J). — 1. naso a becco di civetta, nose like an owl’s beak. 8. pallidino che par malato, so pale that he looks ili.

12. erbaggi, vegetables.

11. grugnone, a surly fellow.

15. senza batter palpebra, without moving his eyes; palpebra = lyelid

18. tira un calcio, gives a kick.

19. trista, wicked, cunning. 22. a pennello, to a hair.

10. — 1. si diede a conoscere appunto; literally, gave himself to be known; i.e., showed his character. Appunto cannot always be easily translated; bere appunto questa mattina means "this very morning."

8. Lo stuzzicavano colle righe, poked him with rulers.