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NOTES. 195

22. zitti zitti, very quietly. The rednplication adds empbasis.

36. L’anno, i.e., the scliool year, whicli begins toward the end of OctobiT. — disgrazia, accident.

R. — 6. s’udiva dire, we could bear the words. Sì, like the Fr. on and the lìer. Man, is used indefinitely, and may he translattd variously by tee, tluy, one, aud the passive. — AI disopra; cf. Fr. an-desHHx.

11. Cos’= cosa = che cosa.

13. seconda, secoiul class.

21. raccontavano, the third person plural is used indefinitely, as in the " they say."

24. le corse incontro, ran to meet her.

26. Tutt’e due, both; cf. Fr. toutes les deiix.

32. stettero, past definite of «tare. — si sentivano, one could liear.

<>. — 7. aperse, past definite of ttjìrire; the regular fonn aprì is used.

9. gliela. Ecfore lo, la, li, le, ne the datives gli and le are cliuiigcd to glie.

10. Te. Etliical dative.

18. coi capelli neri. Cf. the use of the definite article here with Fr. uvee les checeux noirs.

21. vita. Ilere = that part of the body which extends fmin the waist to the shoulders.

2’■^. se ne usci. The words ne ne strengthen the idea of motion in the veri) usr’i; cf. Fr. allcr — to go, s’en aller = to go away.

7. — ^. metta. Siil)jiinctive with qualunque.

10. Reggio di Calabria. A ])rovince in Italy, in Calabria, foriuing the extivnie south of Continental Italy, and chiefly surrounded by sca. Tlii’ oa]>ital is Reggio, with a populatiou of 19,083.

1 Ò. calabrese, the boy froni Calabria.

26. Ricordatevi; riconìarxi is con.strued with the genitive as the Fr. HC sonrcnir.

27. potesse. Subjunctive of purpose with perché.

28. Torino, ’l’urin is in the north of Italy, Reggio di Calabria in the soutli. The allusion bere is to the unitìcatiou of Italy under Victor Emanuel and Count Camillo di Cavour.