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194 NOTES.. aveva intorno, bad around Min. For the omission of the pronomi, cf. French venezavee, and Ger. Kommen Sic mit.. ripartizioni, assiguments.. tirassero; siibjunctive -with hisognava; cf. Fr. falloir.. si mettevano, began; cf. Frencli se mettre.. ripigliarseli, take them away again; ripigliare is the same as riprendere; the se seems to be bere an ethical dative.. Alle dieci, ten o’clock; ore is understood. J>. — 3. baciarle la mano; cf. Fr. lui bniser la main.. par, fov pure; the omission of final vowels, especially e and 0, after the liquids l, m, n, r, when the following word begins with a single consonant (not impure s) is frequent in Italian; cf. vien for viene, iuon for buono.. di tanto in tanto, froui time to time.. volevan bene, liked him.. tornare con lui, be back in his class.. pareva che ne soffrisse, he seemed to be pained at them. Note the siibjunctive with. jìareiM.. mezzo ai. Prepositions in Italian govern the noun directly, as ad, per; or the genitive, as fuori di, davanti di; or the dative, as dietro a, mezzo a, etc.. smise, past definite of smettere, to cease. The s before an afRrmative verb often has a negative force.. In quel mentre, in the meanwhile.. fare la marionetta; literally, " to play the puppet "; " cut up monkey shines. ". — 3. ad aspettare, expecting.. Non lo far più; the infinitive is used for the second person singular imperative in negative commands.. Sentite, listen.. Vediamo, let us try; cf. vedrò di contentarlo, I will try to satisfy liim.. scorso, past participle of scorrere, flow, to pass by,. detto di si, said yes; cf. Fr. dire gue oui.. dare il finis, announce the dose of school. — Uscimmo, past definite of uscire.