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Pagina:Mantegazza - Un giorno a Madera, 1910.djvu/140

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bibliografia di madera.

Heberden, Philosophical transaetions. X abr. 232, anno 1751.

Fothergill, On consumption medical observations, 1773.

Astley, General collection of voyages and travels, 1745.

Adams, A guide to Madeira with an account of the climate, 1810. Gourlavy W., Observations on the natural history, climate and disceses of Madeira during a period of 18 years. London 1811.

Kirwan, Températures des diversese latitudes, 1811.

Pitta, Accounto of Madeira, 1812.

Renton, Edimburg med. and surg. Journal, 1827.

Coleridge H. N., Six months in the West Indies, in 1825. Heinecken, Medical Reuository, 1824.

— Philosoph. Magazine, 1827, nov. a december.

Vaz. Thèses de Paris, 1832, N. 205.

Clark James, Climate and tubere, phtis. in Oycl. of pract. medic. 1834.

— On consumption and scrofula, 1835.

Clark James, The sanative influence of climate. 1846.

Bowdich T. E., Excursions in Madera and Port