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Pagina:Mantegazza - Un giorno a Madera, 1910.djvu/141

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— 139 —

Santo during the autumn of 1823. London. 1825.

Mousinho d’Albuquerque, Memorias da Academia das Sciencias de Lisboa, 1837.

Macaulay, Edimb. New. phil. Journ. 1840.

Smith J., Excursions in Madera, 1840— 41 (Geologische Notizen).

— On the geology of Madera, Proveedings of the geology society. Vol. III, pag. 351, 1840— 41.

Dana J. D., United States exploring Expedition. Vol. X. Chapt. XII. Geolog. Observations on the isl. of Madera, 1838.

Lowe, Synopsis of the fishes of Madera. Transact. of the Zoolog. society, 1837 with a suppl., 1839.

— Transact. of thè Zoolog. society. V. 2, p. 173, 1841.

— A fasciculus on a new genus of the family Lopkides; «les pectorales pediculés de Cuvier» discovered in Madera; communicated to the society, 1846.

— Supplem. to a Sinopsis of the fishes of Madera. Transactions of the Zoolog. soc . Vol. III, pag. I, 1849.

— Notices of fishes newly observed or discovered in Madera from 1840 till 42, Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. I Series, Vol. XIII, pag. 390, 1844.

— An account of fishes discovered or observed in Mad. sime, 1842. Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist. 2 series V. X. pag. 49, 1852.

— Primitioe as novitiae faunae et florae Mad. et Portus Santi. London, 1851.

— Sinopsis diagnostica, sive species quaedam novae molluscorum terrestrium in insulis Madeirensibus detecta, notis diagnosticis succintis breviter descriptae, 1852.

— Catalogus molluscorum pneumatorum insularum Madeirens. Procedings of the Zool. Society of London, 1854.

Lowe, A history of the fishes of Madera. London 1859.

Woodward, Manual of the mollusca, p. 386.

Wollaston T. V., Insecta Madeir. Beeing an account