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Ultimo commento: 16 anni fa, lasciato da Accurimbono in merito all'argomento Interwiki for Canzoniere (Rerum vulgarium fragmenta) and es:Cancionero (Petrarca)
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Accurimbono (discussione | contributi)
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Accurimbono (discussione | contributi)
Riga 4: Riga 4:

As you can see in [[Discussioni_progetto:Letteratura#Canzoniere_.28Rerum_vulgarium_fragmenta.29_e_Cancionero|this talk]] we need to add the interwiki link to each single poem of Italian text linking to the '''es''' text; the '''es''' text has yet the interwiki linking to the Italian text, so the work could be more easy with a interwikibot. Thanks! --[[Utente:Accurimbono|Accurimbono]] <small>([[Discussioni_utente:Accurimbono|disc]])</small> 10:47, 5 gen 2008 (CET)
As you can see in [[Discussioni_progetto:Letteratura#Canzoniere_.28Rerum_vulgarium_fragmenta.29_e_Cancionero|this talk]] we need to add the interwiki link to each single poem of Italian text linking to the '''es''' text; the '''es''' text has yet the interwiki linking to the Italian text, so the work could be more easy with a interwikibot. Thanks! --[[Utente:Accurimbono|Accurimbono]] <small>([[Discussioni_utente:Accurimbono|disc]])</small> 10:47, 5 gen 2008 (CET)

:Thank you very much! --[[Utente:Accurimbono|Accurimbono]] <small>([[Discussioni_utente:Accurimbono|disc]])</small> 13:46, 5 gen 2008 (CET)

Versione delle 14:46, 5 gen 2008

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Interwiki for Canzoniere (Rerum vulgarium fragmenta) and es:Cancionero (Petrarca)

As you can see in this talk we need to add the interwiki link to each single poem of Italian text linking to the es text; the es text has yet the interwiki linking to the Italian text, so the work could be more easy with a interwikibot. Thanks! --Accurimbono (disc) 10:47, 5 gen 2008 (CET)Rispondi

Thank you very much! --Accurimbono (disc) 13:46, 5 gen 2008 (CET)Rispondi