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Pagina:Zibaldone di pensieri VII.djvu/218

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(4267-4268) pensieri 211

bent; and it was the business of their lives to correct and finish their works for posterity. If we can pretend to have used the same industry, let us expect the same immortality: Though, if we took the same care, we should still lie under a farther misfortune. They writ in languages that became universal and everlasting, while ours are extremely limited both in extent and in duration. A mighty foundation for our pride! when the utmost we can hope, is but to be read in one island, and to be thrown aside at the end of an age». Pope, Prefazione generale  (4268) alla collezione delle sue Opere giovanili (collezione pubblicata nel 1717), data Novembre 10, 1716. Pope era nato nel 1688.

*    «The muses are amicae omnium horarum; and, like our gay acquaintance, the best company in the world, as long as one expects no real service from them». Ibid.

*    «We spend our youth in pursuit of riches or fame, in hopes to enjoy them when we are old; and when we are old, we find it is too late to enjoy any thing». Ibid. (31 marzo 1827).

*    φλύω-φλύζω.

*    Vespa - guêpe, anticamente guespe.

*    Serpyllum, serpillo, serpollo-sermollino, serpolet. Tubo, tube-tuyau. Benda, bande-bandeau.

*    È notabile ancora e caratteristico delle antiche nazioni il modo come essi nominavano l’opposto dell’uomo di garbo, cioè il malvagio. Δειλòς timido, codardo, vale anche malvagio presso gli antichissimi (Casaub., ad Athenae., libro XV, c. 15, poco dopo il